... or, "This is my home now, Son."
Despite a plane ticket, work schedule, and voice-of-common-sense telling me otherwise, I've decided to stay in Toronto the entire 5 weeks that Charming Boyfriend will be working here.
This is decidedly an un-me decision. I have no money. I will have no income. I had plans for my summer.
But my heart said stay. And the signs said stay. My tea bag tags started talking about adventure. Store windows talked about travel and adventure and spontaneity.
And then I thought of a friend who, as a poor college student, wore Gucci loafers and went to Starbucks a dozen times a day, and said "One day I'll have the money to pay for the things I'm buying now, there's no sense in living like I'm poor." And 1) he was right, and 2) he was HAPPY.
So... call me Canadian. An American in Toronto. An illegal immigrant? Perhaps. I'm embarking on some serious downtime and it feels delicious and luxurious.

Adorable bed and bedroom where every night someone comes in, turns down the covers, and leaves us a small gift- a pretty little stone! Tonight's is an amethyst!!

The view from my bed.

The island in our charming (read: mini-fridge, no real freezer and no oven. sweet.) kitchen which features a nightly gift of incense (which I kind of enjoy, even though it makes my throat burn).

And this is where I'll be writing.

I miss my cat and I'm sorry I didn't get to give the city a proper (albeit temporary) farewell, but I'm so excited to be here! Maybe this will be a time of great growth? Perhaps one can grow simply by sitting on their little terrace island in the middle of a bustling city. We can hope.
SHOSH! have so much fun! NY will miss you!