Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Vegiac Visits.. Waffle Frolic in Ithaca, NY

I am in love with Waffle Frolic.
  • They have delicious waffles and other foods and baked goods.
  • They offer buttermilk, hemp and buckwheat, gluten free, vegan and cornbread waffles. Are you kidding?
  • Their coffee and espresso is not only Fair Trade Certified, it is BIRD FRIENDLY (which, frankly, I've never heard of before but I love it).
  • They offer soy and hemp milk AND if you bring your own mug you save $0.20 on your drink. Love.
  • They serve waffle dogs and waffle veggie dogs (this is not something a vegiac can enjoy, only a vegetarian, but still- a fucking hot dog in a waffle instead of a bun? Uh.. yes. Now. Please. For you people.)
  • Their menu is VAST.
  • Run by a bunch of 22-year olds (ish). These people are amazing.
  • And they have a friggin' book exchange program.
I just love them.

Onto the food!

I tried to take a picture before I outright devoured the thing, but, as you can see, I was a bit unsuccessful.

I wanted protein, because we were about to take a 4-hour car trip and I knew I wouldn't be stopping anywhere along the way with substantial food options. Waffle Frolic serves fried eggs and bacon over a waffle, and offered to make mine with three eggs instead of the bacon.

I'm not a food critic and am a bit lacking in the creative words department, but let me just say- DELICIOUS. So, so, so good. And they clearly know what they're doing re: cross contamination- I can't imagine it's easy to keep a clean kitchen when you're dealing with batter but I didn't get sick at all! Kudos!

All in all, if you're passing through Ithaca, stop at the Commons and shove your face (whether or not you're celiac, vegiac, etc.). And if you live in Ithaca, try not to gain a million pounds eating there. Clearly something I'd fail at if I lived there. You would have to roll me home.

{Waffle Frolic is located in Ithaca, NY at The Commons/146 East State - 607.319.0999}

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